What's Your Happiness I.Q.?

Have you ever wondered what your happiness I.Q. is? Do you think it has anything to do with aging?

Positive psychology, as the new science is called, looks at the attributes that scientists hope to prove make life worth living. So why do we care?

Because, according to a recent New York Times magazine piece: "Being happier seems to have positive long-term effects not just on well-being but also on health and life span." The now well-reported study is by University of Kentucky researchers of the School Sisters of Notre Dame (by the way, I spent the first nine years of my education being taught by that same sisterhood of nuns, so maybe some of their outlook is still in my own way of looking at the world; but I digress).

The researchers discovered that "9 out of 10 of the most positive 25 percent of the nuns were still alive at 85, while only one-third of the least positive 25 percent were. Overall, their study showed positive emotions correlated to a 10-year increase in life span, greater even than the difference between smokers and nonsmokers."

Sign me up!

But, uh, how exactly can I get happier? According to the piece in the Times, it's important to identify the things that you are good at - what positive psychologists call signature strengths. And you can explore what yours are by taking a test at authentichappiness.org. The second thing that seems to increase happiness is doing good, as opposed to simply feeling good. So instead of getting that massage, maybe give one.

And if by doing that we get to stay around on this planet a little bit longer and share the joy, what's not to like?

From: Yahoo Health


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