Mix Up Your Workout Routine

I was in my car the other day and suddenly noticed all the Halloween decorations everywhere. At that moment it hit me how we all get shoved from one holiday and one week and one year to the next.

No wonder we're not inspired to work out or do anything else that could interfere with our daily routines. Most people are just trying to keep up and survive the deadlines that we must hit day in and day out.

So maybe we can't escape the inevitable predictability of holidays, school schedules, work, homework, bills, laundry, and getting dinner on the table. But you can live a more creative life via the physical activities you participate in.

Don't get me wrong, I love the gym, but it's good to mix it up a bit. Once a week do something different, either on your own or with a loved one. Here are some ideas:

  • take a walk at a park you love but never get to
  • go for a swim at the local Y
  • check out the rock-climbing wall at your neighborhood gym
  • take the kids horseback riding
  • go for a sunset or sunrise bike ride
  • dip your toes in the ocean, pond or lake after a rigorous walk or jog
  • take that one Latin dance class you've always thought about
  • try adult gymnastics
  • play softball or tennis or shoot some hoops
  • take a lesson to learn something unique (surfing, trapeze)
  • try yoga
  • go hiking

And the list goes on and on.

I'm not going to give you the speech about how time flies, but we can find ways to slow it down a bit by breaking up the routine. I have a very wise friend who kissed me on the cheek after a recent visit and said "invest in experiences, not things." Amen. Let's add a little color to the black-and-white and do something that is good for our bodies and spirits in the meantime.

From Yahoo health


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