Smooth Skin for Slinky Holiday Dresses

Will you be marking the last weeks of the year with a party or two? Then you'd better get your skin party-ready with a few key steps:
  • If you have tiny, sandpaper-like bumps on your upper arms, it could be a condition called keratosis pilaris. Though harmless, this condition can be stubborn - and because it's brought about by friction (from your winter sweaters, for example) and dry skin, it tends to become more noticeable during colder months. The bumps you see are actually clogged hair follicles, so begin by exfoliating the affected area regularly with body scrubs and cleansers that include retinoids or glycolic acid. (One of my favorite products is the MD Formulations Face and Body Scrub.) Next, be sure to moisturize vigilantly, with rich creams like CeraVe Moisturizing Cream or Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion. If that at-home regimen doesn't help after a few weeks, professional chemical peels with glycolic acid or light treatments using Levulan can be done in your dermatologist's office with little downtime.
  • For very rough, dry spots (like elbows and knees), try creams with urea, which is a particularly intensive moisturizer. U-Lactin Dry Skin Lotion is a great, inexpensive option, and Bliss's Body Butters (available in several scents) can also quickly banish rough skin.
  • Hesitant to wear short dresses because of spider veins on your legs? My treatment of choice for spider veins is sclerotherapy, during which saline is injected into the veins that causes them to collapse and disappear. (These tiny veins are not essential to your circulatory system.) While you may need up to four treatments (spaced about two weeks apart) to see optimal results, the appearance of spider veins is much improved after one treatment. The injections may leave bruises for about a week, though, so if you're considering having this treatment before that big party, schedule it soon!
  • Even in the winter, party dresses tend to show a lot of skin. So if your skin is as fair as the snow outside, get it glowing again with the latest generation of gradual self-tanners. During the winter, I like products like Neutrogena Build-a-Tan - it allows you to control how dark your skin gets and keep it looking natural (so other party guests won't ask if you've been on a tropical vacation!). Clarins Radiance-Plus Self Tanning Body Lotion is another great option - in addition to self-tanners, it includes a touch of shimmer to give your skin an immediate glow.

Wishing you great skin!

From Yahoo Health


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