Low back pain: Easing back into your daily activities

From Healthwise

Bed rest of more than a couple of days can actually make your low back pain worse and lead to other problems such as stiff joints and muscle weakness.1 If you do use bed rest for a short time, remember the following guidelines.

  • Sitting up in bed puts additional pressure on the intervertebral discs. Lying on your side puts a little more pressure on the discs than lying on your back.
  • Trying to eat a meal in bed can be awkward and can put more strain on your back than if you just get up and eat at a table.

Avoid activities that make your pain worse. Modify activities that you cannot avoid doing. Here are some tips:

  • Place one foot on a stool when standing for an activity such as brushing your teeth.
  • When putting on pants or stockings, stand with your back against a wall. Then slide your shoulders down the wall as you bend your knees. Gently step into your pants or stockings, one leg at a time.

Return to your normal activity gradually, but as soon as possible. Start with walking 10 to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.


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