Take It One Day at a Time

One of my physical weaknesses is that I have terrible flexibility. As a young athlete growing up, I didn't see the importance of stretching. It was boring, and to top it off, painful.

Well, here I am dealing with the same issues about stretching, and it's not getting any easier on it's own. Odd? What is it that they say is the definition of crazy? Doing the same thing (or not doing anything) over and over, and waiting for the outcome to be different?

To be honest I know better, and I know that the only way I am going to get more flexible is to do a little stretching on a regular basis. However, here I am, not doing anything consistent about it, and am either frustrated at my stiffness or surprised how tight I am. Why is that?

Then I started thinking about stretching in parallel to eating well, losing weight and exercising. People yearn to be healthier, but think maybe they're just going to wake up one day and things will have changed.

The entire process of getting from where we are, to our goal, can be daunting at times. So, how about we just take it day by day? Cliche, I know, but true nonetheless. If I think about trying to do the splits, or get my chest against my knees while stretching from where I am, I'll give up.

Integrating stretching as a regular part of my life is my new resolution. I don't care how uncomfortable or even humbling it is, now is the time. I'm going to sit on the floor and stretch whenever I get a moment (even while I watch TV), and create a small block of time to stretch every day. I just had another daughter 5 weeks ago, and I can feel my body getting tighter from pregnancy and one-sided baby carrying.

How about you? Can you improve your eating choices, and exercise frequency, bit by bit? Maybe walk on the treadmill for 5 to 10 minutes the first day, and then build from there. How about running? First get walking, and then start doing 30-second to 1-minute jogging intervals until you can build up the duration to sustain cardiovascular exercise.

When it comes to food, don't expect to eat 100% organic, d
itch all the sugar, only drink water, and pack food to go... all on the first day. How about just trying to reach for better choices when you can? Slowly ease into better habits, as I slowly head for my toes. Stretching is a lot like weight loss and exercise: You have to do it all the time or you will lose it quickly (or gain it back).

I'm sure you all know the story of Kevin Everett, the Buffalo Bills football player who sustained a brutal spinal cord injury during the team's opening game this season. Well, due to some good decisions by doctors, and a ton of inch-by-inch rehabilitation work done by Everett, he is now walking.

Five months after he was thought to maybe never walk again, this warrior is standing tall. I don't think Kevin laid in his bed, thinking that when he woke up somehow he would be walking. This was about an everyday commitment to getting there.

His is a very heavy example, but I also think it puts most of our woes in perspective. I want to get more flexible. "Whah," cry me a river. You want to lose a few pounds or can't find the time to exercise? I think you can do it.

In fact I believe we can make any changes we desire with a good plan, commitment, support and hard work. Who knows, maybe I'll get smart enough, and begin to actually try to enjoy the process of getting better at something. One day at a time, people.

From Yahoo health


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