Lose 10, 20, 30 Pounds

By Selene Yeager, Prevention

You walk every day. You watch what you eat. So why are you still struggling to lose weight? The answer may be all in your head: Hating your body—a common reason for wanting to lose weight in the first place—can actually sabotage your weight loss attempts.

The good news: You can learn to like your body and more than double your chances of getting slimmer.

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, CA, found that people who started a weight loss program feeling happiest with their body were more than twice as likely to lose weight as their counterparts who were least satisfied with their body.

But how do you get happy with your body before you lose weight? With Prevention's feel-good plan.

We rounded up advice from top body-image professionals, weight loss experts, and women just like you who found that feeling good about their body made losing weight easier. In three simple steps, you can boost your body appreciation, shed pounds with ease, and get your best shape ever!

Prevention's feel-good plan will help you get a body you love and...

  • boost your confidence

  • cut your disease risk

  • rev up your weight loss

  • beat negative thoughts

  • stop scale obsession

  • fine-tune your wardrobe

  • Step 1—Respect Your Body
    "People who worry about how their body looks often avoid the very things that can help them look and feel better, such as exercising and developing better coping skills," explains Elena Ramirez, PhD, clinical research associate in the department of nutrition and food sciences at the University of Vermont in Burlington. "Once women improve the way they feel about their body, they take better care of themselves, which helps them lose weight." Here's how to befriend your body.

    Look in the mirror. Instead of cringing every time you see yourself, start accepting yourself, advises Dr. Ramirez. Slowly acclimate yourself to the image in the mirror by spending a few seconds a day looking at your body clothed. Slowly wear less and less, working up to viewing yourself unclothed for a few minutes.

    "In a few weeks, you'll become comfortable with your reflection and realize that you have some positive physical qualities," says Kimberly Lavoi, 30, of MA, who has lost 22 pounds since beginning these body-image exercises. "You also begin to realize that you got yourself into the shape you're in, so you can also get yourself out of it."

    Face your fears. It's common to avoid situations that make you feel worse about yourself, such as shopping for clothes or going to parties, says Dr. Ramirez. Feeling better about yourself requires facing those situations. "Pick one thing you avoid, such as wearing a bathing suit, and take small steps to conquer that fear," she says. "First, just buy the suit. The next day, wear it around the house for 10 minutes. Later, wear it in front of a friend. Soon, you'll feel comfortable enough to swim laps or take part in an aqua aerobics class."

    Be polite! "If you had a friend who said, 'What a big butt you have!' every time you saw her, you wouldn't remain her friend," says Thomas F. Cash, PhD, professor of psychology at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, and author of The Body Image Workbook (New Harbinger, 1997). "Don't tolerate that treatment from yourself either. Every time you start putting yourself down, stop cold. Instead, encourage yourself as you would a friend. Say, 'Yeah, my shape isn't what I would like, but I'm taking steps to change it. And that's a positive thing.'"

    Ditch the magic number.
    Some women have their whole body-image wrapped up in a number on the scale, says Joni E. Johnston, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in Del Mar, CA, and author of Appearance Obsession (Health Communications, 1994). "If they're just a couple pounds off, they feel horrible about themselves," she says. "Give yourself an acceptable weight range between 5 and 10 pounds, so you can have healthy, normal weight fluctuations and still feel good about your body."

    Hold your head high. When you're busy thinking your thighs are too big, you assume everyone else is thinking that too, so you feel self-conscious, says Dr. Cash. "People never judge us as harshly as we judge ourselves. If you hold your head up, smile, and project a healthy, confident person, that's what they'll see—and that's how you'll feel."

    Step 2—Accept Your Power
    Poor body image often comes with a little sound track in your head that repeats this tune: "My weight loss efforts have never worked before, and they won't work now. I'm a failure," says Dr. Ramirez.

    If you keep that negative sound track playing, you probably will fail.

    Consider this: In one study, beginning tennis players who were told that they could improve their game by trying hard and practicing scored consistently better than those who were told that poor performance meant they lacked the innate ability. "If you believe you have bad genes, you're less likely to succeed than if you believe you have the power to control your actions, your attitude, and, consequently, your weight," says study leader Robert Singer, PhD, chairman of the exercise and sport science department at the University of Florida in Gainesville. It's all about developing what psychologists call "self-efficacy"—a big word for believing in yourself and your power to do what needs to be done. Here's how to boost yours.

    Talk back. One quick way to stop the negative voices in your head is to simply tell them to quiet down, says Dr. Johnston. "Most people walk around putting themselves down without even realizing it. Pay attention when those self-defeating thoughts pop up. Every time your internal voice starts saying, 'I'm too fat' 'I'm too uncoordinated' 'I can't do it,' answer back: 'That's enough. I can do whatever I put my mind to.'"

    Write your résumé. Confidence changes from situation to situation, says Edward McAuley, PhD, professor of kinesiology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "It might be high in the office, yet low at the gym. You want to transfer all the assurance you can from one situation to the other," he says. Think of it as writing your résumé. You don't always have the experience a job calls for, but you do have the skills. "Write down the skills you have to succeed at a fitness plan," he says. "List attributes such as 'I'm a hard worker' 'I manage my time well' 'I'm a fast learner'. Then use these skills to succeed at your fitness program."

    Recognize success.
    Think of developing confidence like building a house with a strong foundation brick by brick. "Each little success is a brick," says Joyce Nash, PhD, clinical psychologist in Menlo Park and San Francisco, CA, and author of The New Maximize Your Body Potential (Bull Publishing, 1997). "Calling a gym that interests you is one brick. Going to observe an aerobics class is another. Don't disregard all these little steps: Applaud yourself for making progress."

    Find new friends. A weight loss buddy can go a long way toward building self-confidence, says Dr. Singer. "The more like-minded people you have to support you, the more confident you'll feel, and the more likely you are to succeed."

    Step 3—Get Moving
    In order to boost your body image, build your confidence, and get a better body, you need to be active, says Dr. Nash. "It's essential for both looking and feeling your best."

    When a group of middle-aged men and women started walking three times a week, they improved not only their heart health but also their self-esteem, confidence, and body image too. "It's positive momentum," says Dr. McAuley. Here are some tips to get you started.

    Begin at home. Community gyms aren't for everyone, says Michaela Kiernan, PhD, research associate at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, CA.

    "Some overweight women may want to start with a home-based fitness program such as walking," she says. That way you don't have to face the stress or embarrassment of a group setting.

    Start in first gear. A common mistake when starting a fitness program is setting expectations too high, says Dr. Singer. Then you become discouraged and quit when you don't reach those goals.

    "Instead, picture a ladder, with your big goal at the top," Dr. Singer says. "Develop short-term goals for each rung on that ladder." If your ultimate goal, for instance, is to walk a 5-K race, make the first rung a 10-minute walk, and then work your way up. Each small success you realize builds your confidence about reaching the big one."

    Focus on bonuses. Exercise's benefits go way beyond cosmetic, says Dr. Nash. "When you establish a goal to lower your blood pressure or your cholesterol, for example, you have something besides your clothing size to measure your progress—and you'll feel better about your body on another level."

    Support a cause.
    "Getting involved in runs, walks, or bike rides for a cause that's important to you—whether it's breast cancer, AIDS, or multiple sclerosis—makes you feel good," says Ann Marie Miller, an exercise physiologist and fitness training manager at New York Sports Clubs in New York City.

    "It also makes you grateful that you have a healthy body that can exercise," says Miller.

    Seize those seconds. Just because you don't have 45 minutes to work out doesn't mean you should skip exercising entirely, says Dr. Johnston. "Doing something is always better than nothing. It all adds up in the long run." Even if you exercise for only 10 minutes, mark it on your calendar as a day you worked out. Being consistent will make you feel better about yourself and help ou lose weight.

    From Yahoo Health


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