Walking for a healthy heart


Walking is a form of aerobic exercise and is one of the easiest ways to increase your physical activity and improve your health. Physical activity increases your heart rate, strengthens your heart, and increases blood circulation through your body, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your organs. Exercise also increases your lungs' ability to take in oxygen, lowers blood pressure, helps to reduce body fat, and improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Key points:

  • Have a checkup before beginning an exercise program. If you have heart problems, your doctor may want to do tests to find out how much activity your heart can safely handle.
  • Start out slowly at first, with a warm-up in the beginning, a faster pace in the middle, and a cooldown at the end.
  • To stay motivated, walk with friends, coworkers, or pets. Set goals you can reach.
  • Use a pedometer to count your steps. Wear it all day and try to take at least 2,000 more steps a day than you normally do, and gradually increase your steps over time.
  • Try to walk briskly for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week or more. Work up to 60 minutes, if possible.
  • A recent study shows that if you have heart problems, a home walking program may be as beneficial as participating in a hospital- or clinic-based cardiac rehabilitation program.1 This can be important for people who don't have access to organized cardiac rehab.

What do I need to know about starting a walking program?

Try to make a daily walk an essential part of your day. It isn't necessary to walk an entire 30 minutes at a time; getting more activity throughout the day will be just as good. Accumulating activity throughout the day helps burn calories and maintain your weight.

Small activities such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking far away and walking to your destination can add up quickly to the recommended 30 minutes of activity. Be creative. Instead of e-mailing or phoning a coworker, get up and walk to his or her desk. If you need to meet with someone, suggest taking a walk instead of staying inside.

To get the heart-healthy benefits of walking, you need to walk briskly enough to increase your pulse and breathing, but not so fast that you can't talk comfortably.

Why is walking good for my heart?

Your heart is a muscle with fibers that allow it to contract and pump blood. When used during aerobic exercise, the heart becomes more efficient and pumps more blood with each heartbeat. Exercise, such as walking, also increases your muscles' ability to take oxygen from the blood. A more efficient heart can pump more blood with each heartbeat and deliver more oxygen and nutrients to other organs.

How can I stay motivated with a walking program?

One of the best ways to stay motivated to walk is to include other people. Ask friends and coworkers to join you. Join a walking group or club.

  • Buy a pedometer at a sporting goods store. Wear it every day and count your steps. The first time you wear it, count how many steps you normally take in a day. Set a goal for increasing it each day or week. Try to start with an increase of 2,000 steps a day and work toward 10,000. Get others to join you and set goals as a group.
  • Walk before or after work or on your lunch break. Instead of taking a snack or coffee break, take a walk break.
  • If the weather is bad, take comfortable shoes to the mall and walk several laps inside.
  • Walk to work, school, the grocery store, or a restaurant.
  • Walk around your neighborhood, around an entire park, or to do errands.
  • Schedule walks on your business calendar. Turn a walk into a brainstorming session with a coworker.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and socks that cushion your feet.
  • Drink plenty of water. Take a bottle with you when you walk.
  • Be safe and know your surroundings. Walk in a well-lighted, safe place.
  • Plan family outings around walks together.
  • Take your dog on a walk.
  • Set a goal to participate in an organized fitness walk.

Where to go from here

Now that you have read this information, you are ready to plan a walking program that suits you.

Talk with your health professional

If you have questions about this information, take it with you when you visit your health professional.

If you would like more information on cardiac rehabilitation, the following resources are available:


American Heart Association (AHA)
7272 Greenville Avenue
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 1-800-AHA-USA1 (1-800-242-8721)
Web Address: www.americanheart.org

Call the American Heart Association (AHA) to find your nearest local or state AHA group. The AHA can provide brochures and information on support groups and community programs, including Mended Hearts, a nationwide organization whose members visit heart patients and provide information and support. AHA's Web site also has health information on various heart-related conditions.

American College of Cardiology
2400 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 375-6000
Fax: (202) 375-7000
E-mail: resource@acc.org
Web Address: www.acc.org

Contact the American College of Cardiology (ACC) for information about heart disease. The mission of the ACC is to work for quality health care for patients with heart disease. The organization provides education, promotes research, and creates management guidelines and standards of care for heart disease.



  1. Covera-Tindel T, et al. (2004). Effects of a home walking exercise program on functional status and symptoms in heart failure. American Heart Journal, 147(2): 339–346.


Author Robin Parks, MS
Editor Kathleen M. Ariss, MS
Associate Editor Pat Truman
Primary Medical Reviewer Caroline S. Rhoads, MD
- Internal Medicine
Specialist Medical Reviewer Cheryl Allind, RN, BS
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
Specialist Medical Reviewer Neil J. Stone, MD, FACC, FACP
- Internal Medicine, Cardiology
Last Updated October 16, 2006

From Yahoo Health


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