The One Day Deal

Let's make a deal that only lasts one day. You see, I knew "one day" would get your attention. Believe me, it was all I could do to not say "change your life in just one day," but then I thought that was a bit much. I read people's comments, and speak to individuals at the gym on a regular basis about the challenges of eating healthy and exercising.

Short of standing on my head eating broccoli, I have served up the reasons "why" a thousand different ways. "Do it for your health." "Your butt will look better." "You'll have more energy." "Be a great example for your kids." You get my point. I really do want you to have all the benefits of eating healthy, exercising, and establishing some sort of peace within yourself and your external world. OK, so maybe that's all just too overwhelming. How about for just one day? No not one day at a time, but one day every other day for one month.

Here is what I propose.

Week 1

Monday: Eat healthy. This means...

  • No soda or juice, only water.
  • No pasta, bread, or white stuff.
  • No white milk, sugar, flour, rice, etc. - nothing processed.
  • Nothing from a jar, the frozen-food section, a bag, or that has an extended shelf life.
  • Stay away from the microwave - cook with good old fashion fire.
  • Load up on veggies.
  • Make sure to eat a big breakfast.
  • Watch your portions.
  • Chill on the snacking.
  • Get some good sleep, even if you have to force yourself to go to bed.
  • No late-night eating.

Wednesday and Friday: Do the same as Monday. See how you feel. Check your mood and energy level.

Tuesday, Thursday, and the weekend: Live your life as you normally do. Don't react from the day before and go nuts. Just do what you normally do.

Now, on the days you're eating healthy, do some kind of activity -- walk, run, ride a bike, lift weights, go shoot hoops, take a fitness or dance class -- just do something. Move. Watch less TV and spend less time on the computer.

Week 2

Just add one day of activity on your weekend.

Week 3

Add one day of eating well on Saturday or Sunday.

Week 4

See how many of your new habits you can start to bring into your Tuesday and Thursday routines. Do you really miss that soda or bagel?

If you hate your Monday, just remind yourself you'll get back to "normal" tomorrow. It's just one day. Part of it is taking the "forbidden" aspect out of things.

Pretty soon, you'll be reaching for the healthier items because your body will be calling for them. Who can't do it for one day?


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