Today Is the Day

How many times in your life do you stop to think how quickly time is passing? One year just seems to fold right into the next. Children definitely accelerate this effect on our lives. They walk, then talk, don't stop talking, drive, and then take off. It's almost a little crazy how time seems to speed up as we get older.

None of us can get time back, but we can make the most of the time we do have. We also can't get around having to work for our health. No matter who we are or how smart, beautiful, rich, or powerful, we all have to work to achieve good health and stay in shape. I think in some ways, it's such a refreshing reality. So much of life can seem unfair or political, but this is the one thing you cannot buy.

Point? You never have regrets if you know you made the most of something. So, yes, time will fly by, and you'll be looking back at things, but if you make the most of yourself and that time period, who cares? I even believe that if you make the most of it, you'll even spend more time LOOKING AHEAD rather than reminiscing of the past.

Today is the day. When you wake up, write down those goals. Start exercising on a regular basis, break the addiction to unhealthy anything (food, thinking patterns, relationships) insert tiny adventures in your life, put more effort into all of your valuable relationships, do things that make you happy, and get some enjoyment out of life. Why? Well, not only will you suck the life out of every minute and make the most of right now, but there's no guarantee that there will automatically be a tomorrow. We all walk around acting like nothing changes and life just goes on and on and on. How do we know?

Is it possible to discipline yourself to see the good and really take care of you and your health? If you're a little or a lot overweight, the only way you'll change is if you force the change. I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I feel like we as a culture are on automatic pilot and driving our health into a wall.

The other side of it is being the best you can be wherever you are in your life. I'm not wishing I was 16 or 25, I'm focusing on being the best 37-year-old I can. This way, when I'm 40, 50, 60, etc., I won't think I wasted that time. Believe me, if things are hard now and you aren't doing the work to make the change, it's only going to get harder. You'll look back in 10 years and think why didn't I do it?

So let's do it. We don't get this day back. Let it go when it passes but seize it while it's here. One last thing, if it took a while to get where you are physically, then remind yourself it can't be undone in one day, week, or month. Keep at it. If you string all the one days together in time, you'll find success.


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