Tone Your Tummy Type

Prevention's chosen 6 exercises to flatten belly and shrink your waist in 4 weeks.

By Denise Austin, Prevention

This exciting program — based on the latest science of shrinking tummy fat — works for all tummy types. The research is clear: No matter the underlying cause of your tummy fat, you must exercise in order to see real and lasting results.

For more customized exercises and food plans, specifically designed to work three tummy types — postmenopausal, metabolically challenged, or stressed —

Lunge with Side Chop

A. Grasp one dumbbell with both hands. Stand with your feet under your hips. Extend your arms above your right shoulder, holding the dumbbell sideways, as shown.

B. Step back with your right foot, bend both knees at right angles, and bring your arms forward and down over your left knee, as if you were chopping wood. Step back to the starting position as you raise your arms. Repeat for a total of 5 times and then switch sides.

Deadlift into Double-Arm Row

A. Stand with your feet under your hips. Grasp a pair of light hand weights, resting your arms at your sides. Bend forward from the hips and extend your arms toward the floor so they end up directly below your shoulders, as shown.

B. Lift your elbows toward the ceiling, keeping your arms close to your ribs. Lower your hands toward the floor, rise to the starting position, and repeat for a total of 10 times.

Pushup I

A. In phase 1, you'll build strength in your upper body and core by doing pushups on your knees. In phase 2, you'll advance to doing them on your toes. For the phase 1 version, kneel and place your palms on the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your head. Lift your feet and shins.

B. Bend your elbows out to the sides as you lower your chest to the floor, keeping our abdominals firm and your back flat. Do 3 to 5 repetitions.

Side Lunge with Overhead Press

A. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Grasp dumbbells in each hand. Raise your arms, bringing your elbows to shoulder height. Bend your elbows at 90-degree angles. Bend your right knee and squat down, as shown, keeping your left leg extended.

B. Switch sides, bending your left knee and extending your right. As you do so, raise your arms overhead. Alternate sides, completing a total of 7 repetitions on each side.

Triceps Toner

A. Stand with your feet under your hips. Grasp a pair of light hand weights with your elbows bent. Bend your knees and lift your right heel.

B. Step back with your right leg, bringing your legs into a scissors position. Bend your left knee, but keep your right leg extended, allowing your right heel to lift. Lean forward slightly and extend your arms toward the floor. Keeping your arms close to your body, lift them behind you to tone the tops of your arms. Step back to the starting position, alternating between positions A and B 10 times before switching legs.

Plié Squat with Biceps Curl

A. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Turn your toes out and heels in. Grasp a pair of dumbbells, keeping your arms straight, with your hands resting in front of your thighs and palms facing out.

B. Bend your knees out to the sides as you drop your tailbone and squat down. At the same time, curl your hands toward your upper arms. Rise and repeat for a total of 10 times

From MSN Health


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