Look Good in Lingerie

by Kate Dailey for ExerciseTV
(c) Zuma Press

Follow these simple steps and wear your barely-theres with confidence!

Glow from the inside out: The foods you eat can affect how smooth and bright your skin appears. Add more protein, like chicken, turkey, tofu, and especially fatty fish. “Protein helps to form collagen, the connective tissue that provides support to skin,” says Lisa Drayer, a registered dietician and author of Strong, Slim, and 30! Eat Right, Stay Young, Feel Great, and Look FABULOUS. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are especially good at helping keep your skin looking tight and bright. Foods rich in zinc—oysters, crab and turkey, for example—may help fight wrinkles, while nuts and seeds can keep you skin smooth and blemish free. “And remember: Drink plenty of water and keep your skin hydrated,” says Dreyer.

Work out effectively: Using moves that work multiple muscle groups at once allows you to get a more efficient workout and boost your heart rate, which will help you burn more calories. Try this move from Physique 57, a New York City-based fitness program that focuses on interval training and isometric exercises, popular with celebrities like Kelly Ripa. It’s called the Tricep Can Can, and it achieves several fitness goals at once. Sit on the ground, feet on the floor, and fingertips facing forward. Lift your seat off the ground, and bring one knee to your chest. As you bend your elbows, extend the lifted leg, then and bend and kick. Use your elbows to dip up and down, all while bringing the knee in towards the chest and kicking out. When you start to feel a burn, push yourself 10 more reps. “These moves burn calories and build muscle,” says Tayna Becker, co-founder of Physique 57. They also help increase flexibility—never a bad thing to improve.

Get a last-minute reprieve: For years, guys have been pumping big iron before a date for the “pump”—a pumped-up, inflated look that comes after a workout. You too can look more toned for a short period of time if you do a few quick workouts before you plan to bare it all. “I think it’s great right before a date,” says Becker. “It also helps release natural endorphins, so you’re feeling better and more relaxed.”

Work yourself into the mood: Whether you weigh 109 or 190, the secret to looking good in lingerie is to feel good while wearing it. So work out with moves that put you in a frisky frame of mind. “There’s a move we call ‘thigh dancing,’ which is fun and sexy,” says Becker. Start by sitting on your heels, with about six inches between your knees. Bring your arms up overhead, then lift your seat up off your heels. Move your hips forward and back for 10 counts, then move them side to side for 10 more. Add hip circles as you get more comfortable. Put this move to your favorite sultry music to tighten your waist and loosen your inhibitions.

Diet right: If you want to do a quick shape up, it’s ok to cut calories. Just be sure to do it the smart way. “Go on a modified detox,” Drayer says. Cutting simple carbs like breads, cereal, crackers, rice, pasta, cookies, and crackers will leave you feeling slimmer and more toned. “Carbs absorb water in our bodies, so cutting back on carbs will allow you to shed some water weight,” says Dreyer. You can also reduce your sodium intake: too much sodium can leave you bloated. “Focus on fresh foods, like fruits, vegetables and lean sources of protein,” Drayer says, since canned or packaged foods often have excess salt.

Target the hard-to-train areas: For most women, that’s the inner thighs. But by adding a small ball to your routine, you can get more mileage out of a traditional squat. Place your heels slightly apart, your feet pointed in a V. “Hold on to something sturdy, then bend your knees, and keep your tailbone over your heels,” says Becker. “You can do pulses, squeezes on the ball, hip movement circles. When you move your hips, you’re working your thighs but it also of takes your mind off of it.”

Have a berry sexy treat: Add berries to your pre-workout meals. “Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries contain some of the highest levels of antioxidants,” Drayer says. “These substances can help fight the chemicals that lead to aging skin.” Berries are also a good source of vitamin C, which helps increase collagen production and fight wrinkles.


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