Stronger Knees in 3 Moves

Be gentle to your joints but still give them a workout

Don't let achy knees derail your workout. Strengthening your thighs is key to healthy knees, finds a Mayo Clinic study. Osteoarthritis sufferers with strong quads (fronts of thighs) were 60% less likely to lose joint-protecting cartilage. Protect your knees with these simple but effective moves--they're easy on the joints but give your thighs a real challenge.

Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each leg for all exercises, 3 to 5 days a week
Big Squeeze
Sit on floor with back straight, right leg extended, and left knee bent, foot flat. Tighten right quads, pressing back of leg toward floor. Hold for 10 and relax.
Thigh Tightener
In same position as above, flex right foot and lift leg about 6 inches. Hold for 6 seconds; lower.
Leg Lift
Sit in chair, feet flat on floor. Straighten right leg, raising foot until leg is about parallel to floor. Hold for 6 seconds; lower.



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