Hooray for Hips!
Shape up and say goodbye to aches and pains
By Selene Yeager , Selene Yeager is a health journalist and author/coauthor of more than two dozen book titles.
In the quest for flatter abs and trimmer thighs, many exercisers neglect an important body part in between: the hips. "Weak hips are extremely common," says exercise physiologist Greg Roskopf, president of Muscle Activation Techniques, a training and rehabilitation practice in Denver. "They can cause a host of problems such as pain in the lower back, knees, and feet, as well as balance problems, making you vulnerable to twisted ankles." Of course strong hips don't just stop pain; they look great in jeans too. Here are three hip-strengthening exercises to try. Do 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions twice a week.
Wound Too Tight?
Weak and tight hips go hand in hand, says exercise physiologist Greg Roskopf. When your hips are weak, your body responds as if you're walking on ice; everything tightens up. So stretch as well as strengthen. Try this stretch after your hip routine, holding for 20 seconds. Reclining twist with knee up. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, arms stretched out to the sides. Cross your right ankle over your left knee so that your right shin is parallel to the ground. Slowly drop your legs to the left, bringing your right foot down toward the ground as far as comfortably possible. Gently press against your right knee with your left hand. Hold, then switch sides.From Prevention.com
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