Physical And Emotional Trauma Associated With Spinal Injuries

Thousands of individuals suffer from various spinal injuries every single year. More people than you might be aware of endure suffering on a daily basis from this type of traumatic injury.

There are numerous types of accidents that occur which can ultimately end up being the culprit for many very serious and painful spinal injuries. Some of these of which can even be life threatening.

There are many individuals who live with debilitating back pain every single day that is caused by some type of serious spinal injury they have received. Sadly, they are often too easily dismissed by many of their friends and co-workers. It might be hard to believe, but in many cases, this is simply because more often than not, an injury of this type is not something that can easily be seen by others.

Not only is there a great amount of pain they will endure from the physical standpoint of their injury, but many of these individuals will also suffer a tremendous amount of psychological pain because of the lack of understanding they feel that they are receiving.

Imagine not having even one minute out of any given day where you did not feel at least some amount of pain. Now to add insult to injury, would be the additional and unnecessary trauma these individuals endure simply because others cannot see their injuries, therefore thinking there must not really be any,

Feeling as if the end of your spinal cord had been tied around the back-end of a speeding train is one way to describe some of the pain that can be associated with a spinal injury. Some of the other symptoms that are common in someone who has suffered from either a bulging or a ruptured (herniated) disc is a lot of painful pressure that is felt in the spine. This pressure can get so severe that you feel as if your spinal cord is literally going to explode, and it can either be felt in the lower back, or the lumbar area of the spine, or it can be felt in the neck area or cervical area of the spine. Many times someone with this type of unseen injury will experience pain that will radiate down either the arms or the legs, and there can also be numbness that seems to travel down the limbs as well. These are just a small number of the painful symptoms that can be associated with spinal injuries.

The next time someone tells you that they are suffering from severe pain due to a herniated disc or a bulging disc, try to be a little more sensitive to their pain as you picture the locomotive they feel as if they are dragging along by the end of their spinal cord.

Randy McCoy is an author with over 20 years of experience in writing on the pain and trauma of spinal injuries

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