Getting Rid Of Belly Fat: Top 3 Facts About Diet and Weight Loss

Getting Rid Of Belly Fat: Top 3 Facts About Diet and Weight Loss

Here are the top three facts about diet and weight loss! If You want to read recent article on getting rid of belly fat, click on that link.

1.Over-eating is any day better than under-eating: One of the biggest weight loss mistakes people make is to starve themselves or go into a crash dieting mode. And then there are some people try to survive on low-calorie diets. Binge eating is a common phenomenon among these groups of people. And let me tell you that binge eating is far more dangerous than overeating. This tip will help you in getting rid of belly fat.

Let’s say that on a given day, you are unusually hungrier than ever! Okay, the solution is simple: eat more than your normal diet. Do you think that you will consume more calories as a result of it? You sure will, but a few extra calories won’t make you fat! If you eat healthy foods and if you eat a little more of them, you won’t get any fatter, because you need to consume at least 3,500 calories to add just one pound of fat to your body.

When you are eating healthy foods, there is no chance that you will ever get to that level. However, if you let yourself go on hungry and the binge on junk foods, it is likely that you will add several dozen pounds to your already fat body!

2. No one is perfect: Overweight people who are on a diet program often try hard to stay perfect; thereby forgetting that they are humans and humans cannot be perfect. We all have our ‘temptation days’, when we tend to ’stray’ and eat some of our favorite junk foods. Let’s say that you visit your sister-in-law and she serves you two burgers. You eat them like a wolf, but come back home feeling guilty. Your occasional eating of junk food won’t ever do as much harm to your body weight as your guilt pangs.

When you feel guilty, you become disgusted with your diet program and either try some fad weight loss pills or quit it altogether, both of which are huge mistakes. Never bang your head against the wall just because you strayed on a particular day! Don’t try to be perfect! This was the second tip in getting rid of belly fat.

3. Lack of support will kill your weight loss efforts: In as much as we try to self-discipline ourselves to follow the new healthy habits that our doctor has recommended for us, we need other people to support our weight loss efforts. This support can either come from our immediate family, or our friends and relatives. This support can also come from online support groups! Without help and support, you will never be able to reach your weight loss goal. That’s why it is imperative that you join a weight loss site that has a busy and active forum. You can get peer-to-peer support from the forum, which alone will help you a long away in the achievement of your weight loss goals!


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