Can we have sex during pregnancy?

Some men and women avoid sex during pregnancy because they're afraid it will hurt their baby. While some medical conditions make such abstinence necessary, sex doesn't compromise a baby in a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a strange time for a woman because of the changes in her body. She may feel unwell. And everything may seem subtly different. The father may be feeling a little strange as well. He may find his partner's shape appealing. And he may want sex. But he may also wonder whether she's interested.

Surveys on how pregnant women feel about sex reveal that

  • One third reported no change in their attitude
  • One third reported they were less interested in sex
  • One third reported an increased interest in sex

This higher libido may result from hormonal changes or reduced inhibitions because the fear of getting pregnant is no longer an issue.

In the first trimester, many women have morning sickness that lasts throughout the day and into the night. That queasiness can turn them off sex.

Breast tenderness and fatigue are other reasons women abstain from sex at this stage of their pregnancy.

In the second trimester, however, many women feel better. As a result, they're more likely to resume a normal sex life. However, if they're pregnant and have more than one partner (or their partner has more than one partner), they must use condoms because they're still at risk of catching sexually transmitted infections.

In the third trimester, many women get light-headed and nauseous if they lie on their backs. A pillow under one hip can help relieve these feelings.

Who should avoid sex?

Women who have experienced

  • Recent vaginal bleeding
  • Preterm labour
  • Ruptured membranes (broken water bag)
  • Placenta praevia (a condition in which the placenta is covering the inside of the cervix).

But they should also remember that a baby in a healthy pregnancy is well-cushioned and in no way compromised when his parents engage in sexual intercourse.

What about after baby is born?

Many doctors recommend couples wait five to six weeks before resuming their sex life. Right after delivery, women have a major drop in oestrogen levels, especially if they're breastfeeding. And that can reduce vaginal lubrication and make sex extremely uncomfortable.

In this period, a woman's cervix remains slightly dilated and she continues to pass lochia, a vaginal discharge. So there may also be an increased risk of uterine infection with sex, and any episiotomy may still be tender.



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