Busting the 6 Biggest Skincare Myths

Busting the 6 Biggest Skincare MythsWe have become fairly successful skincare addicts with more products in our bathrooms that fight wrinkles and blemishes and spots and uneven skin than some stores carry. How did we get this way? We buy into the myths and legends and lore of skincare hoping each will be the fountain of youth. When it’s not – surprise! – we put the cap back on and go in search of the next miracle in a bottle. Let’s bust the 6 biggest skincare myths and pinpoint our search for the products that will work best for us.

Myth #1: If our anti-aging cream doesn’t show results in a few weeks, it isn’t working. False. While you should see a difference in the firmness and plumpness of your skin within the first three to four weeks, fine lines take up to three months to change and wrinkles and discoloration can take up to six months. Stay committed to your cream!

Myth #2: Anti-aging creams work better at night. This one is both true and false depending on the ingredients in your product. Retinoids, peptides, AHA, or BHA work best while you sleep because your blood flow increases and you pH decreases. This lowers your skin’s defenses and allows the cream to soak in. However, antioxidants and SPF work best when the sun is up. Check your labels to achieve maximum results.

Myth #3: The tingle, or burn, or redness lets me know it`s working. False. This is old school. While some products that contain alpha and beta hydroxy acids and yesterday’s retinoids can cause tingling, you don’t want to continue using a product that causes a burning or redness or scaling of the skin. This one calls for an upgrade to a newer, gentler product that works better with no side effects.

Myth #4: SPF 15 is all I need to prevent wrinkles. Way false. SPF 15 provides 93.5% protection from the sun’s UVB rays. Which may seem like a lot until you realize that SPF 45 provides 98% protection. To really keep skin safe from collagen and elastin damaging rays, add zinc oxide to your arsenal.

Myth #5: Anti-aging cleansers don’t work because I rinse the ingredients off immediately. If you take your time cleansing, about 1 – 2 minutes, your cleanser with glycolic acid will absorb into your skin as you patiently massage. Keep scrubbing!

Myth #6: I can’t increase the collagen in my skin by using over-the-counter creams. False. Although it takes longer to build collagen with over-the-counter creams than with prescription strength creams, scientists have found a way to attach the larger peptide particles that promote collagen to smaller lipids and liposomes that readily absorb beneath the skin’s surface. Hold on to that over-the-counter collagen booster and be patient – results are on their way.

source: www.carefair.com


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