Loses 6% weight by eating fruits and vegetables


A recent study revealed that, besides including a hypocaloric diet, these foods protect from oxidative stress and diabetes and cancer.However, what we all believed known has been confirmed in a recent study indicating that the intake of fruits and vegetables collaborates with weight loss. Such foods are a great source of antioxidants, therefore, to be part of a hypocaloric diet, help to lose more than 6% body weight.

Among the additional advantages of eating these foods are lower cardiovascular risk, greater satiety due to fibre content, lower levels of blood cholesterol and better control of diabetes. On the other hand, to integrate fruit and vegetables in our diet we are integrating vitamins, minerals, fiber, plant protein and complex carbohydrates. In other words, a balanced diet and healthy formed by these and other products do not generate risks of nutritional deficiencies and encourage health.

If we think about all the consequences arising from the metabolic obesity, is of great significance for the inclusion of fruits and vegetables not only help you lose weight, but that will improve the rest of the values altered blood and reduce health risks. Of course, we must not forget that with diet alone, are not achieved the same results if we accompany our plan thinning with a good routine exercises that will allow us to increase the caloric expenditure, reduce stress and improve fitness.

from: www.feeltaste.com


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