How to Live to Be 100

How to Live to Be 100For the first time, research is pinpointing the biological reasons why the “simple” things in life make us healthier and add years to our lives. Recent studies from across the globe are proving that doing just what comes naturally can help maintain your health even more than all the fads and gimmicks and trips to expensive therapies. It’s good to be reminded that we came equipped with what it takes to live to be 100 and enjoy the ride.

It shouldn’t be surprising that one of the top three factors in these reports is to eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day. It’s nature made and so are we – what a perfect combo. Also in this first category of do’s is to drink in moderation and to kick the cigarette habit all together. These and an active lifestyle, which is defined as 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week can add 14 years to your life according to British researchers. In fact, older folks who get this level of activity are showing that they are less likely to die over the next 7 years than those who don’t exercise regularly. That’s a good reason to get up and take a walk together!

While you’re up and at it, be sure you’re doing something fun. A University of London study found that women who feel “happy, excited or content” have decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and less C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 which are linked to heart disease. So take hold of your long life and cut of the things that stress you and make you feel “undone.” It’s time to smile and be happy with who you are and what you do.

Want to add 6 years to your life? Get creative. According to another recent study, women who have creative jobs – and that means anything from art to teacher to designer to stay at home mom, anything that stimulates you and causes you to learn new things – have the cardiovascular fitness and other heath attributes of women 6 years younger. Infusing creativity into your life isn’t hard, take up a new hobby, learn a new language, heck just learn new things about your town and then go and explore what you’ve learned.

The basics are once again proving to be just what the doctor ordered. Eat well, exercise and be happily creative. Making these changes can be simple and fun. Get your friends and family together and start to take trips, spend afternoons or evenings sharing what you’ve been learning, cook new meals, speak only the new language you’ve learned, take adventure walks – you’re never too old. You can do it. We’ll see you on your 100th birthday and swear you weren’t a day over 80!

from cair


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