
Showing posts from September, 2008

low tech pushup station for total fitness

How to set up a pushup station in your shed,garage, or outdoors in order to perform "Transformetrics", ala John E. Peterson, readily... on your way to work, way home, working around the yard, or anytime at all- just stop, and do a bunch! No special skill needed, but the results, done in high volume, will surprise you! Also, you can gaze at your John Deere as you exercise! (What a bonus!!)

How To Find the Motivation to Exercise

Summer is gone and so goes play time, summer fun, vacations and the free-feeling attitude that comes with summer. It's back to school (good news for moms, not so much for students), full workweeks with heavier workloads, traffic as usual, and a more regimented schedule all around. So maybe you're not the “bikini time - get into shape” type. Maybe you are more of a regimented work schedule type, and the end of summer is just what you need to get yourself back to exercise, eating well and more invested in your own health and fitness. Training is essential to your mental and physical wellbeing – you know that. And with real life back in session, you are going to have to find added inspiration to manage a regular exercise regimen into your already busy schedule. So let’s find some fall inspiration. How, even though you have been thinking about getting into better shape ‘forever’, do you finally make it happen? 1. Schedule in your workouts and let everyone who could throw off that s...

Minimalist Fitness: How to Get In Lean Shape With Little or No Equipment

Two common barriers for people who want to exercise and get in shape are a lack of time and money needed for fitness. Who has the time to go to the gym, or buy expensive equipment, or take long bike rides? Well, if those are the things stopping you, you’re in luck. It takes no equipment to get a great workout and get in shape, and with one or two pieces of simple equipment, you can turn that great workout into a fantastic one, you magnificent beast, you. And with little or no equipment required for a fantastic workout, you can do it at home, or wherever you are. Even if you’re in solitary confinement . It’s hard not to find time for this type of workout — you can do it while watching TV, for goodness sake! The Pros and Cons of Bodyweight Exercises Using just your bodyweight, you can do a large number of challenging exercises. I designed a workout that I do when I can’t make it to the gym, for example, and I can testify that it’s incredibly challenging (more on that below). If y...

14 Myths About Fitness, Exercises And Workouts That Everyone Ought To Know

Myths are stories, legends or invented explanations that are retold so often that they are accepted as truth. They should not be that way, and they have no place in any individual’s fitness routine. Below are 14 of the most common myths on fitness, exercises and workouts that you and I should know about. When you stop working out, muscles will turn into fat It’s the most typical workout myth in the world. Muscle has never and will never turn into fat and neither does fat turn into muscle. During weight training, more energy is required, hence a bigger appetite. When a person stops working out, the need for extra energy stops as well. But because the stomach size has increased due to a bigger appetite, the need to feel full has become a habit. Those extra calories that were once used as fuel while training is now stored as fat. It may seem like the bulk of muscle has turned into fat, but the truth is that the body became fatter due to eating more than previously needed. Be it prote...

Eating in Peace

After conquering an eating disorder, my only path to a "healthy diet" is to savor every bite By Stephanie Dolgoff, Prevention "I'll have the blueberry pancakes with bacon, two eggs sunny-side up, and coffee," I told the waitress. My boyfriend, Tim, glanced up to catch her eye, but I wasn't through. "Wheat toast. Oh, and could I also have the granola with yogurt and fruit? And water. And a Diet Coke with lemon. Thanks." After Tim had placed his order (puny by comparison), I could tell he was trying hard to keep his thoughts to himself. He failed. "I just don't understand why you always get so much food when you never finish it," he said. He was right—a fleet of truckers coming off a juice fast would have a tough time downing all that. I'd usually eat just a few bites of each dish, while Tim would scarf up the rest. "It's not like you have money to waste, not to mention the waste of food. It's crazy!" It was crazy,...

The 5 Best Ab Exercises

The great thing about ab training is that the exercises are startlingly easy to do. Unlike exercises for the larger muscle groups like the legs, chest, or back, abdominal exercises don’t require heavy weights. There’s also little risk of injury either. How often have you heard people say that they “pulled” an ab muscle? The key to six-pack abs is knowing what the best ab exercises are and then doing them. So what are the most effective exercises for targeting the abdominal muscles and producing a ripped midsection? One of the best studies to look at this issue was conducted at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University. The researchers compared 13 abdominal exercises, ranging from the familiar crunch to more complicated exercises using gym equipment and home equipment. Based on their findings they concluded that five of the best exercises for targeting the abdominals are: 1. Bicycles: To do this one, lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed firmly to the ground. Wit...

How to Live to Be 100

For the first time, research is pinpointing the biological reasons why the “simple” things in life make us healthier and add years to our lives. Recent studies from across the globe are proving that doing just what comes naturally can help maintain your health even more than all the fads and gimmicks and trips to expensive therapies. It’s good to be reminded that we came equipped with what it takes to live to be 100 and enjoy the ride. It shouldn’t be surprising that one of the top three factors in these reports is to eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day. It’s nature made and so are we – what a perfect combo. Also in this first category of do’s is to drink in moderation and to kick the cigarette habit all together. These and an active lifestyle, which is defined as 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week can add 14 years to your life according to British researchers. In fact, older folks who get this level of activity are showing that th...

Ten Crazy Beauty Tips That Work

There are thousands of crazy beauty tips out there that claim to work on whatever problem you have. Problem is, they don’t always work successfully and you just end up wasting your time and money. Here, I’ve compiled a list of crazy beauty tips that actually work. How do I know they work? Well, I’ve tried them! Powder Your Roots If your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big, fluffy makeup brush, and dip it into a pot of loose powder. Tap it once on the back of your hand to remove excess, then dust it over your roots . It mops up oil and blends into your strands, so no one will know you didn’t shower! Spot-Treat Smudges Dip a cotton swab into eye- makeup remover , and trace it along your lids to erase any slipups or goofs when there’s no time to redo your whole look! Fix a Flushed Face If you turn red and stay that way after exercising, take an antihistamine like Benadryl when you leave the gym to reduce redness. Works like a charm! Use Makeup Remover on Stubborn Lipstick ...

Best 9 Fat-Burning Eating Tips

Now don’t get all excited. We don’t have any magic wand solutions that will take the place of exercise and eating right. But we do have a few foods that could help you on your journey to rid yourself of excess flab. Hungry Girl ’s here with the scoop… LEAN PROTEIN To put it simply, protein takes a lot of effort for the body to break down and digest. A lot more than, say, fat. So while your body is working hard to process that protein, you’re burning calories. HG tip — eat fish! Chances are you’re not getting enough of it. Not only is fish a fabulous source of lean protein, BUT many types are full of those Omega-3 fatty acids you’re always hearing about. Beans are also a wonderful source of protein. And it’s no secret how we feel about our friend the soybean. (Let’s have a cheer for veggie patties and soy-meats!) WHOLE GRAINS Belly fat is not particularly cute on anyone (except maybe babies), so it’s exciting news that whole grains can do a number on that stubborn flab around your mi...

Is Stress Making You Fat?

If you're living a stressful life and wondering why those pounds keep creeping on, there is scientific evidence that has proven that stress can actually make you fat. The good news is that there are many ways you can combat stress and start getting healthy. But first, let's look at why stress can cause you to gain weight. 1. Stress releases hormones that allow us to store fat more efficiently. Storing fat is a bad thing for many of us, and although it's necessary to some degree, stress causes our systems to go a little haywire and we start producing too much cortisol. This causes our bodies to retain fat around the middle, which is not only unsightly, but incredibly unhealthy. Since most of us live with stress on a daily basis, we're producing far too much cortisol and this is leading to weight gain . 2. Stress interferes with sleep - which causes more weight gain. Recent studies have also shown that a lack of sleep can lead to weigh gain, once aga...

Basic Abdominal Exercises

Basic strength in the stomach can be developed with following abdominal exercises. Start by aiming for 1-3 sets of 10 repetitions three times per week and gradually build up to 20-25 repetitions. Static Contraction 1) Lying flat on your back bend your knees bent so feet are flat on the floor. 2) Contract your stomach muscles and try to push the small of your back into the floor. 3) Hold for a count of 5 seconds remembering to breathe gently. Relax and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Keep your neck and face relaxed. Many people have a tendency to hold their breath during this exercise which can increase blood pressure. Wrist Ups 1) Lying flat on your back bend your knees to right angles keeping your feet flat on the floor. 2) Place your palms on your thighs and sit up until your fingertips reach your knees as you breathe out. Return to the start position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Imagine you have an apple under your chin. That's about the dis...

My 15 minutes of fame, revisited from January, 2008

*After 30 years, local postal carrier trades foot route for one on French Island By CHRIS HUBBUCH | La Crosse Tribune file:///Users/jaybowers/Desktop/Picture%20clipping%202.pictClipping . Jay Bowers has lived for decades in a farmhouse outside Onalaska, but some of his closest neighbors are in south La Crosse. Bowers is a mail carrier, one of 62 who deliver to 48 routes in the city of La Crosse. After 30 years as a United States Postal Service letter carrier in La Crosse Jay Bowers has given up his foot route for a driving route. PETER THOMSON photo “We’re the face of the federal government,” he says. For the past 16 years, his office has been route 23, a 15-square-block postage stamp nestled between Cass and Market streets under Grandad Bluff. Five days a week — in the proverbial snow, rain, heat, gloom of night — Bowers hiked upwards of 10 miles carrying letters and bills, birthday cards and catalogs to 401 front doors. It wasn’t his neighborhood, but the gregarious postman knew his ...

Feel Better About Your Body

Does this sound familiar? You look in the mirror, berate yourself for gaining weight and then give in to feelings of depression and hopelessness. If you’re an emotional eater, you might even turn to food to comfort yourself, thus perpetuating the problem. Now imagine feeling great about your body—no matter what your current size or shape. No more getting down on yourself for your weight or putting your life on hold because of insecurities. Well, it’s possible. With just a little attitude adjustment, you can boost your body confidence, which is the first step to leading a healthier life. “When you feel better about yourself,” says Judith Beck, author of The Beck Diet Solution , “you have more energy and feel more motivated to initiate changes, such as starting an exercise program.” Here’s how to turn that negative cycle into a more positive one. Don’t tie your self-worth to the number on the scale. “Remind yourself every single day that your outward appearance is irrelevant to who you a...

Fitness Myths—Busted!

Whether your goal is to look like an iron man or simply (and more realistically) to shape up and improve your health, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that can get in your way. Here, we separate fact from fiction to help you get the best results. Myth Crunches will get rid of my spare tire. Reality Everyone stores extra weight differently, but the gut is one of the most common problem areas for men. Even if you do a gazillion stomach crunches and sit-ups, you won’t burn enough calories to lose the fat around your middle and see the muscles you’ve built up underneath. To get flatter, more defined abs, you need to cut calories and add more overall exercise. Stick to a low-fat diet of lean protein and healthy carbs while doing a combination of cardio and strength-training. But keep in mind that you still need to do some stomach exercises. Myth The fastest way to build muscle is to do more reps with lighter weights. Reality If you’re looking to bulk up quickly, follow this ge...

7 Diet Dos (and Don'ts)

By Joy Bauer, PARADE Magazine Doesn't it seem like cravings and emotionally driven eating are amped up when you're on a diet? The good news is that there are many tried-and-true methods to help keep you on track. I'm about to let you in on a few. Do fill up on fiber Protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrates and fat, so it takes fewer calories to fill you up. Fiber slows mealtime digestion and absorbs water, which expands your stomach and creates a feeling of fullness. Lentils and starchy beans (for example, navy, kidney, black, pinto, and garbanzo beans) naturally combine protein and fiber in very impressive amounts, so consider eating them in soups and salads or as a side dish instead of rice or pasta. Don't miss out on sleep Recent studies show that sleep deprivation can make it difficult to fit into your favorite jeans. When you don't get enough shut-eye, your body produces more ghrelin , a hormone that makes you hungry, and less leptin , a hormone that ...