Love song to a new/old John Deere Tractor!

Here is the piece de resistance of john deere tractor love...

I wanted to post it for you all to enjoy.

I filmed it when I first bought my John Deere a few years ago.

Here is the word on tractors:

If you are moving to an "acreage", you need what they call in the industry an "estate tractor".

Don't be like me, starting out on an el cheapo "Markmaster" tractor...

Your life will be a living hell, if you get one of these cheap, mass-produced "lawn tractors"- trust me!!

Let's say you're beyond that:

"I believe I'll get a John Deere (or Cub Cadet, or Simplicity, Ariens, Sabre, or any other department store LAWN tractor)- if it's a major brand, I'll be fine!"

Wrongo. Too small, too wimpy, too underpowered, too WEAK.

"OK" you say. "I'll go the MAJOR route, and get a big, expensive, major-sized garden tractor!!

Then, I can use the PTO, and run other attachments, and do all I need to do on my multi-acre estate.

I beg to differ even here: lawn tractors are expensive, and seem like they would do whatever you would want. But they won't.

You, my friend, need a CUT! (WHAT?)

A Compact Utility Tractor- C_U_T! As the Lion would say in the Wizard of Oz- "What've they got that I ain't got??"- (besides courage?? and they have that, too!)

Bigger frame (your wife will say it's too big, and so will your neighbors. They're all wrong. It's perfect).

Very much heavy duty throughout: this translates to a really, really long life!

MUCH more torque (power)!! This is key- Diesel = happy tractor driver.

You don't need a lot of horsepower with diesel. 15 hp diesel more than equals 30 hp in gas. And the power is all in the low end, where you actually need it!

(And diesel engines will last almost forever!)

You can add attachments- rakes, front end loaders, front blades, snowblowers, rear blades, the list goes on and on... and they are category 1 attachments via the 3 point hitch. Garden tractors, use the 0 level attachments, which means they are about the strength level of Christmas tree tinsel...

AND, 20 years from now, you can SELL YOUR TRACTOR and get a BIGGER one!!

You would have gone through about 10 lawn tractors by then, and have NOTHING.

What does this have to do with "health and fitness", you ask? It's all about the proper tool for the task- you wouldn't ask your grandmother to lift a boulder in your yard, would you? Well, think of a lawn or garden tractor as your grandmother. And, your CUT is Bruce Lee/Arnold Schwarzzenegger! Think of it: you can cut your lawn, no sweat whatsoever, and then say:

"I'll be back!!"


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