A bountiful Barbarian/Paleo feast!
Here I am yesterday evening, after grilling a Barbarian diet feast of grilled, barbecue chicken, hot Italian sausages, mushrooms, and a LOT of sauerkraut! All hot off the grill- YUM!! We ate the chicken last night, along with big salads, and I split the sausage/mushroom/sauerkraut into two tupperware containers for two lunches at work- I just heat them up in an available microwave, and eat really well! For desert, I have my usual container of frozen raspberries, topped with real whipped cream, sweetened with stevia and/or cinammon. I have been enjoying two podcasts daily at work lately: The Paleolithic Solution , and the Living La Vida LowCarb Show with Jimmy Moore. Both are highly recommended!! You will really learn so much; the diet info we have all been taught for so long is utter and complete hogwash!! Low fat, high carb, processed foods preferred... this is why our population in the modern, Western world is now fatter, sicker, more diseased, and depressed than we have ever been...