Questions about the Juice Drink Strategy

Jay, just have a quick questionok, 2 quick questions..

1. My husband takes his lunch every day.if we shouldnt use white bread, is the whole wheat any better?

      If we drink the juice in the morning, what can he have for lunchif I pack like fruit he doesnt take time for lunch, he eats as he is driving.hes not happy about giving up his bag of fritos, but he and I are going to try this starting next week.(I am so excited) I decided to slowly change our eating habits , well in his case anyway..

2. Can I make the juice drink in the morning and keep it in the refrigerator or in my husband's case in his cooler till we drink it at lunch or is it better to make it and drink it immediately? In which case I will have to come up with something for Dave for lunch.(see question 1)

I am already doing aerobics, yoga and walking 2 miles at least 2 times a week, but will look into the isometric exercisesthose may help my husband as he has arthritis in his knee and exercises arent helpingthe damage to the muscle thing I read about in your book yes I did read it alreadyas soon as I finally got home yesterday I sat on my deck (relaxed) and read it.


I'm glad you are enthusiastic! That is one-half of the battle!

1. I also eat while I am driving! I will drink my juice drink, in small 16 oz. plastic tupperware containers, as I drive. I just drink as I'm hungry... After I drink my juice drinks, I am definitely NOT hungry!

2. As for keeping the juice drinks in the cooler til lunch- that's what I do! Nothing is lost by that, although I do keep a "freezer pack" in the cooler to keep it cool!

As for other lunch ideas:

I always have a lunch bag full of almonds, and/or walnuts! It's amazing how filling these are, and how incredibly nutritious! No guilt!

Just today, I tried the "cold shish-kebab". I cut up a grilled, boneless pork chop from last Sunday, cut up onions and green peppers, and put it all in a plastic sandwich bag. ( I ate as I drove- just great!)


AND very filling!

As for exercise, there is no substitute for the exercises!

The key is in controlled flexing throughout the movements. Flex to what you feel is about 80% of your hardest flex! (Your limbs should shake!)

It doesn't take long; and, for me, first thing in the morning is by far the best!

VERY safe, and VERY efffective. More can be added later, as desired...



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