Egg White Protein Powder!

In The Juice Drink Strategy, I have long been searching for the ideal protein source. As you know, protein is extremely important in achieving an ideal diet... in your daily juice drink, you already add yogurt, perhaps milk, and of course even the fruits and vegetables add some protein, since their cell walls are so disrupted that all of the available nutrients are readily available for your body to use! But now, I have found the perfect source of natural, completely absorbable protein ! Egg white protein powder is the perfect solution! Not only is it a perfect, healthy, absorbable form of protein with NO fat, NO sugar- NOTHING you don't want, and everything that you do! And, this powder is very inexpensive, and even cheaper than buying whole eggs!! (And with none of the fat!) I use roughly two heaping tablespoons per juice drink as outlined in The Juice Drink Strategy default juice drink. I even have resourced a great source of this wonder-food: Rose Acre Farms - you can even o...