Tone Up in Less Time

Most American women average only 13 minutes of exercise a day, less than half of the recommended 30-minute daily minimum your body needs. Maybe it's because we're all so busy (a dozen deadlines at work), tired (managing only five hours of sleep) or intimidated (getting called out for a droopy Downward Dog in yoga class).

Trust me, I can relate to all three scenarios, usually at the same time. Last week, I had a growing pile of articles to read, I didn't get to bed before midnight any day, and I began increasing my distance in the pool to gear up for my next triathlon. (To call it "swimming" is kind of a misnomer since I'm more of a dog paddler than a Dara Torres, but I'm determined to get better!)

On days when it feels impossible to work out--whatever the reason--consider a few of my favorite allover toners. You don't need any equipment; simply do each one for 60 seconds, then repeat, to make the most of those 13 (OK, 14) minutes.

Mountaineer twist: Start in push-up position: hands aligned under shoulders, body in a straight line from head to heels. With hands firmly planted, bring right knee in toward left elbow; don't let any part of leg touch ground. Return to start and repeat with opposite leg to complete one rep. Make sure hips don't pop up or drop down.
Speed skater: With feet hip-width apart, lower into a squat. Without standing, step right leg back and to the left. Keep right knee bent slightly and heel up. Hold arms out to sides for balance. Return to squat and repeat with other leg to complete one rep. As you get the hang of it, hop from side to side and swing arms in opposition to legs.
Flippers: Lie flat on back, legs extended and arms at sides. Lift head and shoulder blades off ground as you raise both legs about 6 inches. Keeping right leg straight and stationary, lift slightly bent left leg toward chest, toes pointed, and grasp back of thigh with both hands. Gently pull toward chest. Lower left leg as you bring right leg up to complete one rep. Alternate sides without letting feet or head touch ground.
Inchworm push-up: Start in push-up position, body in a straight line from head to heels. Do one push-up (drop to knees if necessary), then, keeping hands firmly planted and legs straight, slowly walk forward on balls of feet. Go as far as you can with legs straight. Bend knees and jump back to start.
Delt plank: Start in push-up position: hands aligned under shoulders, body in a straight line from head to heels, feet shoulder-width apart or wider (the closer they are, the harder the move). Shifting weight to right hand but keeping shoulders and hips square to ground, lift left hand toward shoulder (palm down), raising elbow behind you. Hold for a second or two if you can, then return to push-up position; switch arms and repeat to complete one rep.
Isolator: Lie on back with hands lightly touching head, elbows wide, head and top of shoulder blades off ground. Place right ankle on left knee and raise left leg until knee points straight up, shin parallel to ground. Keeping elbows wide, chin lifted, slowly crunch chest and legs toward each other (hips and shoulder blades come off ground). Hold for one count; return to start and repeat. After nine reps, switch legs and repeat.
Step-up: Facing a step or curb, stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides. Step up with right foot and press both hands overhead (palms forward) as you extend left leg back; squeeze glutes tight. Do not lock standing leg. Return to start and repeat with other leg to complete one rep.

from yahoo health


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