Iron Rich Fools

Iron is a mineral found in some foods, which is essential for good health and for physical and mental well-being. It has three main roles:

  1. Carrying oxygen around the body. Every cell in the body needs oxygen. There is iron in the haemoglobin of red blood cells, and it carries oxygen from your lungs to wherever it is needed.
  2. Ensuring a healthy immune system. The cells which fight infection and defend the body against foreign organisms depend on adequate stores of iron. So if your iron stores are low your body is more prone to infections.
  3. Making energy. Iron is essential in the chemical reactions that produce energy from food. So if your iron levels are low then your body may not be able to use all the energy available to it.

Iron is notoriously low in the North American diet, especially in children one to two years old, and in women ages 12 to 50. Surprisingly, it is also low among athletes, who pack their diets so full of carbohydrates that they tend to omit iron-rich foods.

A deficiency of iron makes you tired and apathetic -- a condition known as anemia. Anemia is characterized by low levels of hemoglobin, which cause oxygen starvation in your tissues. Though it is a fairly common condition, don't try self-diagnosing it or prescribing supplements because its symptoms can also indicate other, more serious diseases, such as bleeding ulcers or cancer.

If you think that you may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to see a doctor or a nurse here at Health Services. (398-6017)

What is the daily recommended iron intake for an adult? 10-18 mg

What are some examples of iron-rich foods? (Conversions: 250 ml = 1 cup; 15 ml = 1 tablespoon)

Lentils, cooked, drained 250 ml, 3.3 mg
Lima beans, cooked, drained 250 ml, 4.6 mg
Red kidney beans, cooked, drained 250 ml, 4.3 mg
Soya beans 250 ml, 4.3 mg
Split peas 250 ml, 4.5 mg

Asparagus, canned, drained 250 ml, 2.5 mg
Green peas 250 ml, 3.0 mg
Peppers, hot, red, dried, powder 15 ml, 2.3 mg
Spinach, canned, drained 250 ml, 5.0 mg
Spinach cooked 250 ml, 4.2 mg
Tomato juice 250 ml, 2.3 mg

Apricots, dried, uncooked 15 ml, 0.9 mg
Peaches, dried, uncooked 250 ml, 10.1 mg
Dates, pitted, cut 250 ml, 5.3 mg
Prune juice 250 ml, 11.0 mg

All Bran 200 ml, 4.3 mg
Bran Flakes (raisins) 200 ml, 5.0 mg
Corn, puffed (presweetened) 200 ml, 4.2 mg
Farina (cream of wheat) 125 ml, 7.9 mg
Oats, puffed, with or without corn
(e.g. Cheerios) 250 ml, 9.2 mg
Oats, puffed (e.g. Alphabets) 250 ml, 6.2 mg
Rice Krispies 250 ml, 2.3 mg
Wheat flakes (e.g. Pep, Grapenuts) 200 ml, 6.4 mg
Wheat, puffed (e.g. Sugar Crisp) 250 ml, 6.3 mg
Whole wheat (e.g. Shreddies) 250 ml, 6.3 mg

Almonds, shelled whole 125 ml, 4.0 mg
Brazil nuts 125 ml, 2.3 mg
Cashews, roasted 125 ml, 2.8 mg

Ham, lean and fat, roasted, 6 mm thick 2 slices, 2.7 mg
Pork chop, thick, with bone, lean and fat 1 chop, 1.9 mg

Corned beef hash with potato 8 oz., 4.6 mg
Corned beef, medium fat 2 slices, 1.9 mg
Ground beef, broiled, medium fat 250 ml, 2.9 mg
Steak, broiled, lean only 1 piece, 3.4 mg

Chicken, white meat 76 g, 1.3 mg
Chicken, dark meat 90 g, 1.5 mg
Turkey 90 g, 1.6 mg

Beef kidney (8 cm x 6 cm x 8 cm) 3 slices, 11.8 mg
Beef liver, fried 3 oz., 8.0 mg
Calf liver, fried 3 slices, 13.0 mg
Chicken liver, fried 3 medium, 7.7 mg
Pork kidney 3 slices, 7.2 mg
Pork liver 3 slices, 7.2 mg

Clams, canned, drained 1 can, 5.5 mg
Lake trout, broiled or baked 90 g, 4.5 mg
Sardines, canned in oil 7 medium, 2.5 mg
Scallops 6 pieces, 3.0 mg
Tuna, canned, drained 90 g, 1.7 mg

Beans, white, dry, canned, with tomato sauce 250 ml, 4.9 mg
Beans, white, dry, canned, with wieners 250 ml, 5.0 mg
Beef pot pie, baked (10 cm) 1 pie, 4.1 mg
Cabbage rolls with meat 2 rolls, 2.1 mg
Chili con carne, with canned beans 250 ml, 4.5 mg
Chili con carne, without beans 250 ml, 3.8 mg
Poultry pot pie (10 cm) 1 pie, 3.0 mg
Spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce 250 ml, 3.9 mg

Pumpkin/squash seeds 125 ml, 6.5 mg
Sunflower seeds 125 ml, 4.1 mg

All purpose flour 250 ml, 3.2 mg
Brewer’s dry yeast 15 ml, 1.4 mg
Brown’s sugar, packed 250 ml, 7.9 mg
Egg 1 egg, 1.1 mg
Egg noodles 250 ml, 2.7 mg
Instant breakfast with milk 1 pack, 5.0 mg
Molasses, cane, light 15 ml, 0.9 mg
Molasses, cane, blackstrap 250 ml, 3.2 mg
Pasta, enriched 250 ml, 2.4 mg
Split pea soup 250 ml, 1.5 mg
Whole wheat flour 250 ml, 3.8 m



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