Weight Loss Transformations

Demetria (before) ()

Weight Loss Transformations

Demetria: Before

By ninth grade, Demetria already weighed 200 pounds. Her childhood nickname "Big D" stayed with her through high school and into adulthood.

Demetria (after)

Weight Loss Transformations

Demetria: After

Demetria decided she had to make a change when she gained so much weight that she didn't recognize herself in pictures. Click to read her story.

Brett (before)

Weight Loss Transformations

Brett: Before

A sedentary new job and a fast-food diet packed thirty pounds onto Brett's 5'7" frame.

Brett (after)

Weight Loss Transformations

Brett: After

A photo of Matthew McConaughey taped to the mirror kept Brett inspired to work out, eat right and meet his weight loss goal. Click to read Brett's story.

Laura (before)

Weight Loss Transformations

Laura: Before

Laura has waged a lifelong struggle against her weight, having battled bulimia as a teen only to gain 115 pounds after getting help.

Laura (after)

Weight Loss Transformations

Laura: After

A serious car accident made Laura appreciate how lucky she is to be alive. She decided to take steps to improve her lifestyle and achieve a healthy weight. Click to read her story.

David (before)

Weight Loss Transformations

David: Before

After leaving the Army, David continued eating like he was still on active duty and packed on 120 pounds.

David (after)

Weight Loss Transformations

David: After

Counting calories and working out helped David build muscle and drop 85 pounds. Click to read his story.

Suzanne (before)

Weight Loss Transformations

Suzanne: Before

Throughout childhood, Suzanne loved food so much that she ate enough for two people. Even diet drugs were no match for her love affair with food.

Suzanne (after)

Weight Loss Transformations

Suzanne: After

In the first six months on Weight Watchers, Suzanne dropped 35 pounds. Click to read her story.

From: MSN Health


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