Live Young

Most Western doctors and researchers describe the ageing of the human body as being similar to the ageing of man-made machines. The damage can be periodically repaired leading to an extension of the machine's functional lifetime, just as is routinely done with cars. But what if we could postpone the effects of ageing before any damage occurred? Aerobic exercise has been shown to prevent memory loss, heart disease, diabetes, depression and obesity. Weight training stops our muscles from shrinking as we get older. But what about our internal organs? Because we can't see them, we tend to only think of them when something goes wrong with them. But it's the internal organs that govern the body. They are the key to living young and having excellent health. There is only one way of exercising the internal organs and that is through the practice of Qigong and Qigong self-massage. Qigong is quite literally exercise for the internal organs. Not only does it protect the internal...