The Ultimate Health Prescription: 3 Ways To Awaken Your Potential

1) Stop Making Excuses The most common excuses I hear for not exercising are: I haven't got enough time or I can't afford it . Exercise gives us more time because it has the potential to give us a longer and healthier life. Not only that, recent research shows that higher earners exercise more. The choice to exercise benefits not only you but your family. " I can't afford it " is another self-defeating excuse. When I was at the temple, we couldn't afford to eat good quality food so we had to eat a lot of steamed bread so we could have enough energy to train. We never used lack of food as an excuse to stop us training. Ask yourself, what is required as a start up health and fitness investment? You don't need to pay the hefty price of a gym membership. For the price of a few Shaolin Warrior DVDs you get my twenty five years of martial art's experience giving you a lifetime of training. 2) Give Up Waiting For Tomorrow You already possess the tools for g...