
Showing posts from August, 2010

Inversion strap training

I have been reading about trx training- these strap units cost around $150-$200! Nice idea for bodyweight exercises outside, but too rich for my "blue collar" blood! Luckily, I had some 'forearm forklift' moving straps laying about... About $20 worth. (For TWO!!) Putting one set into a tiedown lashing strap(also laying around), and I was set! I think this is the ideal way to transition into handstand pushups!

Diets & Hunger

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

Big Fat Lies

Gary Taubes on Carbohydrates and Degenerative Diseases

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

Low Carb Lindsey-Video 9: Low Carb Fridge

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

Sweet Caroline is Bill's favorite song at the Holmen Corn Fest!

Bill and I had a good time, watching the Nitty Gritty Dirt band perform, preceded here by "Jelloshooters" or something similar, doing their greatest hits of others that weren't very good in the originals set.... We also had  brats (paleo) with sauerkraut and onions (Paleo!), but, sadly buns... And, Gladly, Beer!! Good times were had by all. "Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can." -----Original Message----- From: Jjhbowers <> To: Jay Bowers <> Sent: Sun, Aug 22, 2010 6:24 pm Subject: Sweet Caroline Sent from my iPhone

Holmen corn roast


Perfect breakfast

Here are my sausages, along with some free range eggs, cooked in grass fed Kerry butter! Also crucial, is my trademark barbarian smoothie- spinach, mixed veggies, assorted fruits, green tea, coconut milk, and all combined via a Vitiamix high speed blender! Coffee too, with real whipped cream, sweetened with stevia, & cinnamon. Eat this, and I guarantee - Barbarian boy, or Barbi girl: You will NOT be hungry again for a LONG time! J

Rainstorm on French Island

Grilling supper, two lunches, and breakfast

Last night, after a LONG day, I came home and did one of my favorite things- I grilled a lot of meat! Mild Italian bratwursts, breakfast sausages, and a double marinated chicken breast, to be exact, which I picked up on the way home. I ate half the chicken, along with some microwaved mixed vegetables (with fruit added- really good!, and cut up the brats into bite sized morsels, put into tupperware containers with onions for two substantial lunches that only need microwaving (and added horseradish/mustard). The sausages- well, I had a few this morning, along with some scrambled eggs (in Kerry Gold grass-fed butter), and I was one well fed barbarian boy! Go thou and do likewise! J

Statins- Just say NO!

Check out, again the "Livin' La vida LOW carb" show, with Jimmy Moore! I have heard several guests on his show lately, who all go into a litany of the evils of statin drugs! Muscle wasting, joint pain, Liver damage.... and the list goes on and on! Why would you take a drug, to mitigate a condition (High cholesterol), that is a fiction in terms of heart health?? High cholesterol does not mean that your are unhealthy in any way. The medical establishment is on a blind endorsement of the Ancil Keye's bogus study, from the middle of the last century, that posited that saturated fat was the sole cause of heart disease... He fudged the data, "losing" parts of it that didn't fit his theory, and set us all up for 50 years of bad nutritional advice!! Bottom line: Butter is good. Corn oil is BAD! Real food is good. Industrial food is BAD! Lean meats, seafood, eggs, and nuts are good. Sugar, grains (YES- EVEN "WHOLE GRAINS") are BAD! REALLY BAD!!! Leg...

Interesting delivery stop!


Sodium Lauryl Sulphate- the bad guy in your soap!

I had a very cool revelation today, and I plan to share it... with YOU!! For years I have had peeling skin on my hands. Sometimes it reached the point where it was embarrassing- I mean a lot of peeling skin! I have thought that it was a mineral or vitamin deficiency; and since I started the Barbarian drinks, and the otherwise Paleo diet, sans grains and legumes, it has improved... But it always is kind of "there"; a little peeling, sometimes more, sometimes less... But FINALLY, ( I can be somewhat obtuse at times), I realized one thing: It was always worst after my morning shower!! I had been reading about SLS, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. This is the chemical that is added to virtually all commercial soaps and shampoos. (Except for ONE!) The additive, SLS, is a known skin irritant, can cause hair loss, and is a primary ingredient in engine degreasers. It's also in most soaps, shampoos, detergents,toothpastes... the list goes on and on. WHY? Because it's cheap. And it...

Free Quest Protein Bars!

Click the link, and get two free, postpaid protein bars! I heard about this deal on the Jimmy Moore "Livin' la vida low carb" podcast- I highly recommend this podcast! Jimmy is a thoroughly engaging host, and the guests he has are the best in the low-carb field. So, now just what am I eating in the photo, and why do I look so happy? I have bacon and eggs, the eggs being "basted" in the bacon fat... I also have my trademark barbarian juice drink as a chaser, and espresso with real whipped cream atop. Of course I look happy! "But Jay", I hear you asking frantically "Isn't all that fat and cholesterol really bad for you?" In a word, no. And, I don't eat like this every day- this is a relaxing Sunday morning. I did my "DVR" or dynamic visualized exercises earlier, did my Hindu back-bridging, and some self-resisted exercises as well as some stretching. Then, shower and breakfast! I won't n...

How to Make Your Own Jerky | Mark's Daily Apple

How to Make Your Own Jerky | Mark's Daily Apple

The Perfect Dessert

Today, a hot day in August, I had a nice dessert awaiting me in my lunch cooler.. (see to the left!) It was a mix of frozen (this morning) raspberries and blueberries. Just about a 1/2 handful of each, in a little tupperware container, but- and this is crucial!-topped with a healthy dollop of real, unhomogenized whipped cream, sweetened with cinammon! Ironically, it appears that full fat dairy is much better for you than skim, which in the old days was used as pig food; in other words not nutritious enough to use on humans! The satiety factor of using just a little whipped cream (or butter, or coconut milk) is HUGE- You are satisfied, and NOT hungry, for hours afterwards. Not to mention, the food value of the berries involved is HUGE, and the insulin response is minimal in such a dessert. "But Jay", I hear you asking, politely, "Who cares about insulin?" Well, I answer politely, you should! For many years, saturated fat has been implicated by the "authorities...

Grass Fed Butter - Choosing a Better Butter | Mark's Daily Apple

Grass Fed Butter - Choosing a Better Butter | Mark's Daily Apple

Sunshine Superman- The Vitamin D solution!

The sun in important for cats, too! Here is my little cat boy, Ty, taking in some sun in the garden.. Since I base my whole fitness regimen on what he does, since he is totally "au Naturale", I knew he was on to something. Actually, I've always KNOWN that sun exposure is good, just so long as you don't BURN! To the ancient Greeks, the SUN was their first recourse for healing. Anything in EXCESS is bad, this includes the sun. BUT, to exclude it, is like excluding lean meats, fruits, nuts, and vegetables- BAD! Can't wait to read this book in it's entirety! J and Ty Sunshine Superman 10. June 2010, 22:51 Uhr Book Reviews , Nutritional Supplements , books mreades 186 comments “If I had to give you a single secret ingredient that could apply to the prevention — and treatment, in many cases — of heart disease, common cancers, stroke, infectious diseases from influenza to tuberculosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, dementia, depression, insom...