
Showing posts from 2010

Shaolin Skype - Making Authentic Shaolin Accessible To All

I am passionate about Shaolin not only as a martial art but also as a powerful tool to help people live longer, be happier, fitter, healthier. I am always looking for ways to help people master the Shaolin Arts and get closer so they can experience the real Shaolin. My aim is to take away any obstacles that may get in the way. This is why I make  books and DVDs. I hope that wherever you are in the world, you feel as if you are training in the temple alongside me.   When I first came to study at the Shaolin Temple I was confused by the different forms and training. I studied a myriad of different forms before I found the true jewels of the training. My training and experience means your time is not wasted. When you train with me you are being handed my twenty-five years of experience. I only teach what is relevant. Time is precious. I don't want to waste your time in learning something that isn't. This would be a waste of my time too. In accordance with the Temple of Zen, I aim...

The Seven Laws Of Success - How Your Daily Workout Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams

Working Out The Mind & Body Before I came to the West I only knew what was taught in the four walls of the Shaolin Temple. I knew there were other martial arts outside of Kung Fu and Qigong but I had never seen them before. When I came to the London I was curious and went to many classes to study. I wasn't so much interested in the different techniques. I was interested in how the mind worked. Would the mind of a Muay Thai fighter work differently to a Sanda fighter? But the most important mind that we need to get to know is our own. It saddens me to think of the many people who workout without using their mind. At the temple, our training is always seen as a meditation. The mind and body work in a unique way and by using our workout as a meditation we infuse our self with a deep sense of spaciousness and peace. So next time you are running, swimming, weight lifting, practicing Qigong or doing a kung fu class either through a DVD or in a class, use my   seven laws to help you...

The Zen Koan Workout

The world of Western traditional physical exercise is beginning to catch up with what  martial artists have known for thousands of years. Fitness is not just about burning calories and sweating. It’s about being healthy from the inside out and using breath and movement as a way to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.  Research is revealing that this mind-body fitness not only keeps us healthy but also greatly helps to banish stress and is aids longevity. Planting the seed As martial artists, we trust that our final goal of conquering ourselves will be reached effortlessly. The goal is the seed. Through being in the moment and turning up for our martial art’s training sessions we carefully nurture that seed. When we are ready this seed becomes the goal we planted all of those years ago without us having to tinker with it or turn our thoughts to it. It’s almost like something we put away in a drawer and forgot about.  But training is not possible without some basic lev...

Is five-toed shoe the future of running? | Reuters

I like my barefoot sprinting in the yard- but as Fall arrives, I'd sure like a pair of these beauties! J Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Terry Balderson < > Date: October 24, 2010 3:16:29 PM CDT To: KeenMinds < > Subject: Is five-toed shoe the future of running? | Reuters Is five-toed shoe the future of running? Thu, Oct 21 2010   By Natalie Armstrong TORONTO (Reuters) - It looks weird, like someone put a glove on their foot, but Tony Post insists his company's new shoe is the future of running. "Anytime you wear these out of the house, it's hard not to get stopped," said Post about the Vibram Five Fingers ( ) running s...

Inflammatory disease - the main cause and best cure

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

How to become rich immediately

Shaolin Body Conditioning Tincture

At the Shaolin Temple, once a disciple begins to study one of the seventy-two styles, they are given a specific Qigong and a specific recipe to make a body conditioning tincture. In the past, the monks used to lie in baths of these tinctures but today we apply this tincture to our body. After making up this tincture, the disciples then adapt it slightly and each disciple has his own recipe.   Mine is made from twenty-five natural herbs, roots and barks. Some of the herbs help the blood to flow, some help to strengthen the bones, others help the muscles to relax. This medicine can also be used for injuries, bruising, and some people say that it can be effective for repetitive strain injury though I have no experience of this so I don’t know if this is true. My own experience is in body conditioning. I used it when I was learning Shaolin Steel Jacket and I could never have endured this hard training without the aid of this special medicine. The first thing we do when we do body co...

Eating paleo in an Italian restaurant in Vermont


Surf & squeal combo

Salmon for tonight, brats for lunches with ample sauerkraut left over from my gut bacterial "rebuild" after antibiotics from Lyme disease. The no grain, minimal, high fat dairy, and plenty of good omega 3 fats Barbarian diet is both very satisfying- And Extremely good at maximizing total body health!! I am starting to realize that the mental benefits are just as profound! Modern people are so hyper- stressed: MUCH of that, perhaps MOST, is... DIET INDUCED! Go barbarian!

http://www.tropicaltraditions Sent from my iPhone

Weston A. Price- Man ahead of his time!

Politically Incorrect: The Neglected Nutritional Research of Dr. Weston Price, DDS It seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. With the advent of antibiotics in the 1930s, modern medicine has prided itself on its near total eradication of several deadly diseases, tuberculosis, polio, diptheria, to name a few. Modern medicine has a drug and a diagnostic test for just about everything and, because of this edifice of pharmacological technology, people are generally in awe of doctors and the medical profession. Unfortunately, we modern peoples are a mess. Take, for example, a typical person who comes to me for naturopathic counseling. He always begins by saying, Its just a precaution. I'm actually quite healthy – I have some minor problems, however, that my regular doctor can't seem to help me with, so I thought I'd try this. When I take his medical history, I discover a plethora of problems th...

Cooking with Bones | Mark's Daily Apple

Cooking with Bones | Mark's Daily Apple This is great info about cooking with BONES; that's right: making a Barbarian Bone Broth! I am thinking that this is the "missing link" of proper Barbarian eating- meat, vegetables, fruit, coconut milk... BONE BROTH!! Like a wonderful, savory barbarian stew that includes all of the marrow, and many other nutrients within the bone itself- after all, only MAN knows to break bones to obtain the marrow! Perhaps THIS is the key to our modern adaptive supremacy!

Paul Loney 50th birthday Sent from my iPhone

Inversion strap training

I have been reading about trx training- these strap units cost around $150-$200! Nice idea for bodyweight exercises outside, but too rich for my "blue collar" blood! Luckily, I had some 'forearm forklift' moving straps laying about... About $20 worth. (For TWO!!) Putting one set into a tiedown lashing strap(also laying around), and I was set! I think this is the ideal way to transition into handstand pushups!

Diets & Hunger

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

Big Fat Lies

Gary Taubes on Carbohydrates and Degenerative Diseases

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

Low Carb Lindsey-Video 9: Low Carb Fridge

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone

Sweet Caroline is Bill's favorite song at the Holmen Corn Fest!

Bill and I had a good time, watching the Nitty Gritty Dirt band perform, preceded here by "Jelloshooters" or something similar, doing their greatest hits of others that weren't very good in the originals set.... We also had  brats (paleo) with sauerkraut and onions (Paleo!), but, sadly buns... And, Gladly, Beer!! Good times were had by all. "Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can." -----Original Message----- From: Jjhbowers <> To: Jay Bowers <> Sent: Sun, Aug 22, 2010 6:24 pm Subject: Sweet Caroline Sent from my iPhone

Holmen corn roast


Perfect breakfast

Here are my sausages, along with some free range eggs, cooked in grass fed Kerry butter! Also crucial, is my trademark barbarian smoothie- spinach, mixed veggies, assorted fruits, green tea, coconut milk, and all combined via a Vitiamix high speed blender! Coffee too, with real whipped cream, sweetened with stevia, & cinnamon. Eat this, and I guarantee - Barbarian boy, or Barbi girl: You will NOT be hungry again for a LONG time! J

Rainstorm on French Island

Grilling supper, two lunches, and breakfast

Last night, after a LONG day, I came home and did one of my favorite things- I grilled a lot of meat! Mild Italian bratwursts, breakfast sausages, and a double marinated chicken breast, to be exact, which I picked up on the way home. I ate half the chicken, along with some microwaved mixed vegetables (with fruit added- really good!, and cut up the brats into bite sized morsels, put into tupperware containers with onions for two substantial lunches that only need microwaving (and added horseradish/mustard). The sausages- well, I had a few this morning, along with some scrambled eggs (in Kerry Gold grass-fed butter), and I was one well fed barbarian boy! Go thou and do likewise! J

Statins- Just say NO!

Check out, again the "Livin' La vida LOW carb" show, with Jimmy Moore! I have heard several guests on his show lately, who all go into a litany of the evils of statin drugs! Muscle wasting, joint pain, Liver damage.... and the list goes on and on! Why would you take a drug, to mitigate a condition (High cholesterol), that is a fiction in terms of heart health?? High cholesterol does not mean that your are unhealthy in any way. The medical establishment is on a blind endorsement of the Ancil Keye's bogus study, from the middle of the last century, that posited that saturated fat was the sole cause of heart disease... He fudged the data, "losing" parts of it that didn't fit his theory, and set us all up for 50 years of bad nutritional advice!! Bottom line: Butter is good. Corn oil is BAD! Real food is good. Industrial food is BAD! Lean meats, seafood, eggs, and nuts are good. Sugar, grains (YES- EVEN "WHOLE GRAINS") are BAD! REALLY BAD!!! Leg...

Interesting delivery stop!


Sodium Lauryl Sulphate- the bad guy in your soap!

I had a very cool revelation today, and I plan to share it... with YOU!! For years I have had peeling skin on my hands. Sometimes it reached the point where it was embarrassing- I mean a lot of peeling skin! I have thought that it was a mineral or vitamin deficiency; and since I started the Barbarian drinks, and the otherwise Paleo diet, sans grains and legumes, it has improved... But it always is kind of "there"; a little peeling, sometimes more, sometimes less... But FINALLY, ( I can be somewhat obtuse at times), I realized one thing: It was always worst after my morning shower!! I had been reading about SLS, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. This is the chemical that is added to virtually all commercial soaps and shampoos. (Except for ONE!) The additive, SLS, is a known skin irritant, can cause hair loss, and is a primary ingredient in engine degreasers. It's also in most soaps, shampoos, detergents,toothpastes... the list goes on and on. WHY? Because it's cheap. And it...