Audio-input for life!

I have spent the evening exploring how to increase the links on this oh-so-popular blog, and the keywords, so that even more viewers would be drawn, like so many moths, to the beacon of my blog. I have uploaded the site to; and hope that that will bring in many more of you, dear reader. But, I was thinking how, of all technological advances, what has helped me the very most, is that of audio podcasts. Each day , as I carry my route, or work out, or just drive on my commute or... anywhere at all!- I listen to my ipod. That's right, although my vehicles might be from ages past, I also have little speakers that, with my trusty ipod plugged into: give me universal, worldwide, internet/radio coverage. I rejoice in listening again to Steve Dahl! I started listening to Steve as I started my postal career, 30 years ago.... he was also starting his career, in Chicago on the LOOP station. He was funny then, and still is now. He's on for 5 hours daily, on JACK FM ...